Wednesday, 12 February
1030 – 1130
Software Defined Satellites - Real-Time Response for Your Evolving Needs
Presented By: Eutelsat, Paul Attner
1130 – 1230
On-Premises Software Factory
Presented By: Norseman Defense Services, Michael Howard
Join us to learn about the accelerated implementation of an on-premises Software Factory for a major COCOM using Expertise on Demand (EoD).
1230 – 1330
The Future of Cyber is Cloud-Native, the Killer App is Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI)
Presented By: Vmware, Don Bailey
The unprecedented growth of Kubernetes, Cloud-native architectures, tools, and projects in recent years is a strong indication that Cloud-native technologies will be a key component of future of cyber. A relatively new class of compelling application type is Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI). The combination of Cloud-native and ML/AI is a natural assumption and will likely figure prominently in future cyber capabilities and threats. Cloud-native architectures and ML/AI are important technologies to the Air Force and DoD writ large. This session will review what a performant Cloud-native platform is, how to build one, and how to operate it. Additionally, this session will review and demonstrate several ML/AI applications and tools on a Cloud-native framework. Finally, this session will demonstrate how cloud native software development practices enhance ML/AI efforts.
1330 – 1430
CASB: Securing the Cloud
Presented By: McAfee, Brian McGoldrick
Enterprise cloud services offer new opportunities to increase resources and capabilities. But protecting cloud services remains a major challenge for IT environments. Broader use of the cloud is presenting an increase in opportunities as well as potential vulnerabilities to threats. The 2019 Cloud Adoption and Risk Report reveals that most organizations use approximately 1,935 cloud services, but most think they only use 30. We will discuss the transition to cloud services and the challenges IT faces with securing them.
Attend Tech Talks. Earn Education Credit Hours.
If you are continuing your education, looking to earn certifications or simply interested in exploring new innovations in technology, we invite you to register for the Tech Talk seminars taking place 12 February at the Officers’ Club. As part of the semi-annual Tech Expo, we will be offering 4 different 60-minute seminars for you to attend for FREE. Since these sessions are open to all Ramstein AB personnel, don’t miss out on your chance and register TODAY!