Your marketing budget is stretched thinner each year, and you need to find a way to reach current and prospective customers. Although marketing strategies evolve over the years, one thing remains constant: the need to meet your customers. Taking a few hours to showcase your products or services, and engage with a targeted community of interest, is the most efficient and cost effective way to establish and maintain customer relationships and achieve substantial ROI.
The Eglin AFB Tech Expo will be taking place on Thursday, August 6, 2020. Exhibiting companies are encouraged to provide demos and training to benefit the attendees. Additional virtual sponsorship opportunities are also available!
Invited Personnel
- 96th Test Wing
- 96th Operations Group
- 96th Operations Support Squadron
- 96th Maintenance Group
- 96th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
- 96th Mission Support Group
- 96th Communications Squadron
- 96th Security Forces Squadron
- 96th Civil Engineer Group
- 96th Civil Engineer Squadron
- 96th Medical Group
- 96th Range Group
- 96th Range Control Squadron
- 33rd Fighter Wing
- 53rd Wing
- Air Force SEEK EAGLE Office
- AFRL Munitions Directorate
- 20th Space Control Squadron
- 6th Ranger Training Battalion
- AFOTEC Det 2
- 7th Special Forces Group
- 919th Special Operations Wing
Requested Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Augmented Reality Software Development Kit
- Autonomous Systems
- Backup/Recovery
- Big Data
- Biometric Products and Services
- Cloud Storage
- Collaborative Technologies & Digital Workflows
- Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC)
- Communications Systems
- Cross Domain Solutions
- Cyber & Network Security
- Cybersecurity Testing Tools
- Data Mining
- DevOps
- Desktop Server Solutions
- Drone Surveillance
- Ergonomic Workspaces
- Fly-away Communication Kits
- Hardware Analysis Tools
- Holographic Projection
- Information Assurance and Security
- IP Radios
- LCD Cameras
- LMR Radio Capabilities
- Machine Learning
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multimedia Kiosk Displays
- Networking Technologies
- RF Testing Instrumentation
- Radar
- Ruggedized Tablets and Laptops
- Servers
- Smart Cards & Services (CAC)
- Storage
- Surveillance Systems
- Tactical Communications Products
- Telemetry
- Test & Instrumentation Equipment
- Training and Certifications
- Transceivers
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Video/AV Equipment
- Video Switching and Display
- Virtual Technologies
- VTC Systems
- Wireless & Mobile
I Have a Solution
Please provide your information below to further discuss how your company can assist with any of these products or services of interest. Also, Let us know who your target audience is and we will invite them to the event!