Agenda Subject to Change


0830 - 0900 ETLogin to Virtual Event
0900 - 0905 ETWelcome

Brigadier General Jeth Rey
0905 - 0915 ET DoD Enterprise Opening Remarks

Mr. David Spirk, SES
DoD Chief Data Officer (CDO)

These remarks will describe how the U.S. Department of Defense is working to enable Combatant Commands and joint/coalition warfighting through enterprise data management and analytics services delivering enhanced interoperability, data sharing, and operational insights/foresights.
0915 - 0930 ETUSCENTCOM Opening Remarks

General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr
Commander, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM)

These remarks will provide a Combatant Command leader's perspective on the evolving regional and global battlefield, and the ability of warfighters to leverage new technologies, operational concepts, and force structures.
0930 - 0950 ETKeynote - Data-Driven All-Domain Operations

Lieutenant General Dennis A. Crall
Director for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers/Cyber and Chief Information Officer, Joint Staff J6

This keynote will address Joint Staff development and delivery of integrated, data-centric capabilities Combatant Commands need to fulfill current and future joint/coalition warfighting requirements.
0950 - 1010 ETJoint All Domain Command & Control (JADC)

Mr. Stuart Whitehead, SES
Deputy Director, Cyber and Command, Control, Communications and Computers Integration (DD C5I), Joint Staff J6

This session will explore how the DoD intends to connect distributed sensors, shooters and data from and in all domains to all forces to enable distributed mission command at the scale, tempo, and level to accomplish commander's intent -- agnostic to domains, platforms, and functional lanes.
1010 - 1040 ETInnovation Showcase Presentations



Industry Exhibitors will offer product/service solutions for five minutes each. Supplementary information, contact info, and company profiles will be provided for each presenter in the online exhibit hall area.

1040 - 1050 ETBREAK
1050 - 1110 ETData Capabilities and Services

Vice Admiral Nancy A. Norton
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and Commander, Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN)

This session will describe Defense Information Systems Agency support of Combatant Command operational strategies and requirements through standardized, interoperable, and secure capabilities that strengthen integrated analysis, defensive actions, and command and control.
1110 - 1130 ETThe Tools and Culture to Make Data a Strategic Asset

Ms. Juliana Vida
Chief Technical Advisor – Public Sector, Splunk, Inc.

Data underpins digital modernization and is increasingly becoming the fuel of every DoD mission. The Department of Defense must provide its personnel with the tools – from automation to Artificial Intelligence (AI) - to monitor and analyze this data to make it understandable, trustworthy and interoperable. The challenge is that we’re being overrun by a huge number of more specialized, limited function technologies. While it might be great to have these tools available, it’s becoming increasingly clear that sheer number of options becomes not only a cost consideration but an expertise problem as well. Technologies that offer multifaceted ways to improve your position and leverage data in multiple ways to achieve your mission, are the technologies you cannot afford to pass over.​

Having the proper tools is just one aspect of treating data as a strategic asset. Getting to that data is often difficult, because so much of it is siloed by organization, program offices, and system integrators who have limited capabilities in sharing it across those siloes. It requires a cultural change across the DoD. The push for success in this direction is to walk, talk, and behave like a joint force. As trust builds, data and information sharing will accelerate.​

During this session, Juliana Vida, Chief Technical Advisor for Public Sector at Splunk, will discuss bringing data to every question, decision and action to make the impossible possible and why shifting cultures is a key step in transforming the Department into a data-driven organization.
1215 - 1330 ETChief Data Officer (CDO) Panel

Panel Moderator:
Mr. David Spirk, SES
DoD Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Mr. Thomas Kenney, SES
Chief Data Officer (CDO)/Director of SOF AI, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)

Dr. David M. Markowitz, SES
Chief Data Officer and Analytics Officer, U.S. Army

Ms. Nancy E. Morgan, SES
ADNI Domestic Engagement, Information Sharing, and Data and Intelligence Community Chief Data Officer (IC CDO)

Mr. Thomas M. Sasala, SES
Chief Data Officer (CDO), Department of the Navy

Ms. Eileen M. Vidrine, SES
Chief Data Officer (CDO), Department of the Air Force

This panel discussion will explore Chief Data Officer (CDO) perspectives on data management and analytics services, and how each is working to enable Combatant Commands and joint/coalition warfighting through enterprise data management and analytics services delivering enhanced interoperability, data sharing, and operational insights/foresights.
1330 - 1410 ETInnovation Showcase Presentations



Modus Operandi

Owl Cyber Defense

New Horizons Computer Learning Center Tampa Bay


Industry Exhibitors will offer product/service solutions for five minutes each. Supplementary information, contact info, and company profiles will be provided for each presenter in the online exhibit hall area.
1410 - 1420 ETBREAK
1420 - 1440 ETData, AI/ML Innovation

Lieutenant General Michael S. Groen
Director, Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC)

This session will explore Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) thinking about warfighting and the tech environment - the role of AI on the battlefield - and the infrastructure necessary to ensure data to enable AI is accessible and protected at all times.
1440 - 1500 ETBig Data and Data Sciences

Brigadier General Paul T. Stanton, Ph.D.
Deputy Commanding General (Operations), U.S. Army Cyber Command

This session will explore how U.S. Army Cyber Command is leveraging advanced disciplines and capabilities of big data and data science to enhance cyber operations.
1500 - 1520 ETData and Cloud Computing

Ms. Sharon Woods, SES
Executive Director, Cloud Computing Program Office, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)

This session describes DoD's enterprise cloud strategy, and how Combatant Commands are/will use cloud technologies to deliver and consume mission services.
1520 - 1540 ETData to the Edge

Major General Peter A. Gallagher
Director, Network Cross-Functional Team, Army Futures Command

This session will explore how Army Futures Command is working to weaponize data across the battlefield, leveraging machine learning, open source technologies and an open, distributed data computing architecture.
1540 - 1550 ETClosing Remarks

Brigadier General Jeth Rey